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this page will be laden with writings and convos that i like

will jack and jill turn in to the next spice girls

A 16 Bit Memory: i'm just wondering whats this jack and jill thing i have no idea what it is
NocturnalPulse41: It's the black persons version of a "coming out" celebration.
NocturnalPulse41: Basically after this Saturday I will be recognized in black society as a man.
NocturnalPulse41: Strange huh?
NocturnalPulse41: I wasn't to up for it at first, but now I am...
A 16 Bit Memory: but what do you do what is it
NocturnalPulse41: Go to a big banquet..and I am presented.
A 16 Bit Memory: ok well i suppose the white man can't understand but thats cool
NocturnalPulse41: Eh...shit happens.
NocturnalPulse41: I'm just glad to be in it.
A 16 Bit Memory: well thats good
NocturnalPulse41: I'm one of 11 blacks chosen in the entire city of Arlington.
NocturnalPulse41: Yes me...that weird black kaanite kid.
A 16 Bit Memory: it's kinda like the spice girls, your goth spice
NocturnalPulse41: ....That's classic.
NocturnalPulse41: Ian you bastard.
NocturnalPulse41: LOL...

marsh mellow mandy

HOTnSPICY7231: you both need to get over it and stop talking about me behind my back
A 16 Bit Memory: who else loves talkin bout you
HOTnSPICY7231: zach
HOTnSPICY7231: apparantly
A 16 Bit Memory: yes thats what we do we start a camp fire in zachs backyard and we get a bunch of people over and roast marsh mellows and tell storys about how much of a whore you are
A 16 Bit Memory: jesus mandy get a grip

not an actual aim conversation just thought it was damn funny...

ian: ahhh yes officer i found her at the bottom of my wheat thrasher
officer: I see and how would she have fallen in your wheat thrasher
ian: no idea I was with my black friend james and she doesent like
black people much so she stayed back at the farm
officer:and why exactly was she found in a tub of acid
ian: well officer it was all part of the thrashing....

dedicated to mandy