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ummm yeah

again more nothing

im running out of's just a photo page

olden days

you say tomato i say what

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wazz up



don't really know what this page is about so yea im sure i'll think of somthing to put up here



i went on an expaditon in to the cavernes halls of fwafa where i have seen many strange things such as a teacher smiling

hmmm matt has an older friend matt..... I wonder which one i should ask to buy me beer


never let two hot and hyper girls loose in a mall with a clown it's not a good idea trust me...

come on you two stop clownin around


this is what you get when you skin,set aflame ,and use computer skills to alter a ferby some may ask in why do all that for a picture well i'll tell you it's becasue i'm an idiot i do stupid things cause they amuse me lucky for you i get bored alot so you get to see some cool stuff

i don't if that looks more evil or what?